
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Achieve Goals Instead of Watch Graffiti

While sitting in my car waiting for a long, slow train to move past and hoping that it wouldn't come to a frustrating stop just a few cars before clearing the crossing. I thought about my mental list of goals for the day, the week, and the rest of the year. Instead of reading the graffiti painted on the sides of the railroad cars I went over my New Year's Resolutions to see how I was doing.

Happily, I discovered that I was well on the way to accomplishing some of those tasks. I knew that I was mired in a few. But funny thing, I could only remember about half of my list. By that time the train had past and I went on my way but when I got back to my office I went to my "Goals" folder and copied them down three times.

The first time was on a business-card size piece of heavy paper which I put in the credit card section of my wallet so I would be constantly reminded of my goals every time I use my credit card. The second time was on a full-size piece of paper which I placed in my daily planner. The third time was on a form I use every day in my computer. Now I can't escape or forget about my goals and I am making faster progress towards accomplishing them. They help me make my weekly and daily "to-do" lists and make me more productive.

I discovered that the act of writing them out was helpful, but when they were in that folder they were out of sight and out of mind. Bringing them into the light of day brought them into my consciousness a number of times every day where I cannot miss seeing them. Those messages act as a kick in the backside to keep moving me in the direction I want to go... and that's forward!
What progress are you making towards your goals? Put them where you can't avoid them and you'll make progress also.

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