Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Graffiti Removal Made Easy with Specialized Formulas
The Graffiti Cleaning Tips!
1. Take into account the canvas material.
Graffiti art is difficult to remove because the canvas isn't fabric but most of the time, concrete walls. Stones and concrete absorb spray paint quite well due to their porous natures. Once the paint seeps into the pores, there's no easy way to take it out.
Take into account the canvas material before you begin to think about what to do next. Different canvas materials require different cleaning methods and using the wrong method can put you in a tight spot. Put that into consideration next time.
2. Paint it over.
You're going to need some tough luck if you want to effectively remove graffiti from your property. Graffiti art is popular with street kids these days, and it'll take more than your fair share of watch dogs to keep these punks from vandalizing your property for good. The moment the spray paint seeps through, you're done for-you and your property. Either have the wall taken down or leave it be.
You can also just paint the wall over. You got that right: just paint it over. It will leave your wall intact and looking shiny and new.
This has less to do with cleaning graffiti and more to do with fighting back against vandalism so you won't have to clean it up in the first place. Some kids get away with vandalizing dozens of houses. Then they get caught by the police for vandalizing one property, fulfill the hours required for community service and next thing you know they're back on the streets again, vandalizing your dog house.
Call the police and file a report on the vandalism on your property. Have the police officers take pictures and conduct their own investigation. If enough people complain, the graffiti artists will be gone for awhile, at least.
4. Blast the darn thing.
There are a number of ways to remove graffiti, and sand blasting is one of them. Sand blasting can be effective if used right, disastrous if used incorrectly. Most of the time you're better off hiring someone instead of doing it yourself. A bit of sand blasting here and there is sure to take care of even the toughest wall stains.
Blast the darn thing! Use an attachment probe and try to work as precisely as possible with the nozzle. Different types of walls require different sand pellets, but it seems round silica works best on most surfaces. So blast the wall already and enjoy the show!
5. Call a professional cleaning company.
One of the easiest methods to get rid of graffiti on your property is by letting your money do the talking-that is, by calling a professional graffiti cleaning company. Let's face it. These guys know the ins and outs of the job, they know how to do it effectively and safely. Just watch them at work and you'll be more than half convinced within minutes that you did the right thing when you called for their help.
Since it's difficult to prevent graffiti from showing up at all, finding easy solutions can be key to enjoying a clean and mark-free property.
Scotland On Tour. Lyken VK. Tase CBK. Sunderland

Part of a much larger wall in Sunderland. This section with Lyken (Scotland) & Tase (London)
Will get full wall uploaded when joiners come through!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Simple Graffiti Sketch
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Graffiti and Street Art
Graffiti & Street Art so boldly lie on the border of vandalism and art that it is difficult to eulogize them without feeling a bit like singing Paeans to LSD or Morphine. However Graffiti and Street Art, even though pursued doggedly by law and order have steadily metamorphosed into an important mouthpiece of rebel expression.
Simply put, Graffiti and Street Arts are art pieces by artists with no inclination or the wherewithal to resort to the conventional forms of display, who though are bubbling with a strong urge to express themselves.
The profiles of Graffiti and Street Art closely follow an underground, anti-law route because of the angst they carry. They are art forms, usually generated in ghettos and tough neighborhoods, where there are few rules and therefore explosive creativity. Graffiti Artists are people, seething inside to stamp their territory, on walls, buildings, bridges, and yeah toilets too.
Graffiti and Street Art took a long time to come out of the ghettos, and be recognized as art. Although they are omnipresent phenomena, Graffiti and Street Art came onto the forefront only towards the development of the Hippie Culture in 70's. This was a time when people broke out of conditioning to see Graffiti & Street Art as art. The first opening of Graffiti was at Rome by Fab5 Freddy and soon other artists flooded the New York, London, and Paris art scenes.
Graffiti Artists are most often, nameless personas who treat art as a hit and run (often from the police and anti-graffiti squads). The process of claiming a patch of property (a wall, a car, a piece of tin, rooftops, and so on) is called "tagging" and it is a cross between turf war and creativity. Often gang wars have erupted on claims to turf. This is also, where Graffiti and Street Art connect with rap as an underground culture, which is always at odds with the civilized society. However, this edginess is what has given this art form a spontaneity that "designer" arts lack. The nervous energy is almost visible in the stark graphics and bold designs that spring out from the most unlikely of spaces. It is difficult not to appreciate this "vandalism" art form despite the gore and anger it carries.
Apart from the aesthetics of art, this art form is a visual documentation of grassroots societies, especially in western and Japanese sub cultures. Since Graffiti and Street Art are more a form of youth rebel art, the message that they seek to convey is at once in your face and subtle. There are subtexts that can be read from these Graffiti and Street Arts. For example, Graffiti Arts in Roman times is an important source of the study of society at that time (there is a Graffiti Art on the crucifixation of Jesus found in ancient Roman ruins).
However, with the lateral movement of Graffiti and Street Art into living rooms and art galleries, owing to avant-garde artistes, indicates that they have been accepted at large but the doubts remain. For example, Michael Fay stays hung between being labeled a criminal and an artiste in Singapore when he defaced a car. Whatever be the motive and the background of the creators of Graffiti and Street Art, it is undoubtedly an expression of passion, which finds many patrons.
Graffiti Mural - Changing Outdoor Exhibition
As part of our changing outdoor exhibition, the new Graffiti Mural is addressing the growing anti-immigrant sentiment in our country and in the world. Look in on this uncensored, free space that will showcase the graff artists' new work.
Watch the work as the artists post their drawings for the new Graffiti Mural .
Graffiti Murals
Step1 Find a location. Because graffiti murals are often seen as vandalism, the most legitimate way to do a graffiti mural is to either have it commissioned by a business, or to paint on your own private property. If you opt to do one inside, be sure to work in a well ventilated area.
Step2 Connect with local graffiti groups in your area. Many communities have walls set aside for people to legally paint graffiti murals. It's a great way to meet people, get involved and create something beautiful.
Step3 Decide on a design or design concept. Know your design before you start. Having a detailed painting or drawing beforehand can help the novice graffiti artist avoid the pitfalls of running out of space on your work area or ending up with incorrect proportions or colors. Consider doing a practice run on a large piece of wood or fiberboard.
Step4 Determine size and limitations of workspace. If you are working on a textured surface with different depths like brick, consider how this will affect your end design. Optical illusions can be created if you are putting a 2-dimensional image over a surface of different depths. When painting over these areas, be sure to take a step back to review how it looks, so you don't end up with warped images.
Step5 Outline your design on your work surface using base colors. With murals, you want a skeleton to go back and fill in later so you can have a better idea of what the finished product will look like when it's done.
Step6 Add color and depth. Layer color over your initial working outline. This will give body to your design. Once you have done this, go back and add darker shadows and highlights to give your image depth.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Play Yahoo! Graffiti
Step1 Choose your difficulty level and find a table to join. The "Apples and Orange" rooms in the social level are usually the most occupied and are a good place to start for a beginner. Click on the "join" button of any table to be inserted directly into the game, whether it's in progress or yet to begin.
Step2 Watch as people draw pictures in the large window in the middle of the screen. Guess words by typing them into the text box and hitting enter. You can see what other people are guessing by looking at the list of words to the left of the drawing window.
Step3 Get ready to draw when it's your turn. When you see your first word, select a color and begin drawing by holding your mouse button down and moving it the direction you want to draw in the drawing window. You can erase your canvas by clicking the eraser button or skip a word by clicking on the "skip word" button. When a person guesses your word, the canvas will clear and the next word will appear. Keep drawing until your time runs out.
Step4 Win the game by compiling the most points at the end of eight rounds. You can score 50 points for every word that you guess and 50 points for every one of your words that another person guesses.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Create a Stencil Graffiti
In order to make a design from a photo, you will need a photo editor that allows you to adjust the threshold, and brightness and contrast of the photo. Basically, you want to get rid of the unneeded background of the photo, giving you just the subject you desire. Then adjust the contrast and brightness, or adjust the threshold, of the picture to the point of having a picture that is two colors - black and white - and still recognizable. Make any needed touch-ups, or adjustments to keep there from being areas inside of holes (that would fall out of the stencil). You could also preform this step while cutting, but it may be more difficult.
Add a border around the picture and print. Once printed, just put your stencil over the item you wish to use as the stencil...cardboard, paper, thin plastic, contact paper, whatever. Next you must cut out the design. An x-acto knife is best as it makes a clean cut and is easy to work with.
To use the stencil, hold or tape to the surface, and spray or roll paint over it. Remove the stencil (by lifting off, not sliding). If it needs any touchups, use your finger or a brush.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Stencil Graffiti - makes use of a paper
The process of stencilling involves applying paint across a stencil to form an image on a surface below. Sometimes multiple layers of stencils are used on the same image to add colours or create the illusion of depth.
Those who make and apply stencils have many motivations. For some, it is an easy method to produce a political message. Many artists appreciate the publicity that their artwork can receive. And some just want their work to be seen. Since the stencil stays uniform throughout its use, it is easier for an artist to quickly replicate what could be a complicated piece at a very quick rate, when compared to other conventional tagging methods.
One of the foremost graffiti artists who uses stencils extensively is Banksy.
Many of its members connect through blogs and websites that are specifically built to display works, get feedback on posted works, and receive news of what is going on in the world of stencil graffiti. Stencil graffiti is illegal and many of the members of this subculture shroud their identities in aliases. Banksy, Blek le Rat, C215, Vhils, 157, Haha, Logan Hicks and Shepard Fairey are some names that are synonymous with this subculture. As for local stencil artists, they are fairly veiled and are hard to reach.
Vapour Trail Jam, Dundee. 2008
Skinnycap.com & Skint Presents
Vapour Trail Jam 2008
Sponsored by DCA, Monster Colors & Red Bull.
Amazing Street Art - Graffiti
Traditional graffiti also has increasingly been adopted as a method for advertising; its trajectory has even in some cases led to its artists' working on contract as graphic artists for corporations.[2] Street art is a label often adopted by artists who wish to keep their work unaffiliated, and strongly political. Street artists are those whose work is still largely done without official approval in public areas.
For these reasons street art is sometimes considered "post-graffiti" and sometimes even "neo-graffiti".[3] Street art can be found around the world and street artists often travel to other countries foreign to them so they can spread their designs.
Inspire yourself with Graffiti Art
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Graffiti Dub Fast Forward
How about this VDO, please comment it
Setting Your Blogspot to Absolutely Free Domain Names
1. Open your browser to co.cc (click link)
2. Then regiter a domain that you want to use.
3. If it's no available you have to find another domain name. But if it's available then you can register it.
4. The you have to setup your domain. Got to "setup-->Manage domain"
5. Choose "Zone Records"
6. In the coloumn "Host" fill it with your domain name (www.yourdomainname.co.cc)
7. Choose "CNAME" for "Type"
8. In the "Value" box fill it with "ghs.google.com"
9. Then click "Setup" Button.
The next step is make some setup in blogspot.
1. Login to Bloggr/blogspot then choose "Setting-->Publishing"
2. Then choose "Switch to: • Custom Domain
3. Then click on "Already own a domain? Switch to advanced settings"
4. Fill it with your new domain in the "Your Domain" coloumn.
5. To Finish click "Save Setting" Button.It will take 1-48 hours for your new domain to work. So be patient....
Graffiti L.A. - Street Styles and Art
The culmination of author and photographer Grody's 17-year obsession, this stunning examination of Los Angeles street art should prove to be a definitive work on the subject. Beginning in the 1930s, when stylized calligraphic writing (often called "Old English") was first used by Latino gangs to mark territories, Grody quickly moves on to the art form's explosion in the '80s, when four distinct forms were spreading throughout the city: tags, a name in stylized script; throw-ups, one-color designs quickly applied; pieces, more elaborate and colorful efforts; and productions, a collection of pieces.

The importance of Grody's work-as in any other street art roundup-is in capturing these short-lived pieces before they're inevitably defaced by rivals or painted over by the authorities; what makes this beautiful book stand out is the way Grody completes his vibrant picture with the voices of the street artists themselves. CD-ROM included.
Price: $23.10 Click here for more details
Graffiti Restaurant - Steak Seafood Pizza and Paintings
Our server was Ashley, a friendly young woman who brought us water and menus, and told us of the day’s specials. I used to eat at Graffiti frequently when I lived in the Destin area. The menu has retained many of the same dishes, obviously proven favorites, and an extensive pizza list.
One cannot ignore the walls, even while studying the menu. Graffiti is known for its collection of paintings and freestanding artwork, displayed on every available inch of restaurant space. All are for sale, and the pieces bear the names of both celebrated and up-and-coming local artists. The colors range from muted to near blinding. There are also crayons on the tables for drawing on the paper placemats. ... read more!
Friday, September 19, 2008
How to draw your Graffiti Name
While today the term is more loosely used, graffiti still generally denotes artistic writing or drawing. It can be done in a way that does not vandalize or violate the law. Over the years, distinctive styles have evolved that can be instantly recognized as graffiti, even when the writing is on a piece of paper.
As with any art, there is no right way to draw graffiti, and you need to develop your own style. This article will provide you with the basics to begin drawing graffiti names on paper, along with several inspirational examples.
What is Street Art - Graffiti?
Street art can be a powerful platform for reaching the public, and frequent themes include adbusting, subvertising and other culture jamming, the abolishment of private property and reclaiming the streets. Other street artists simply see urban space as an untapped format for personal artwork, while others may appreciate the challenges and risks that are associated with installing illicit artwork in public places. However the universal theme in most, if not all street art, is that adapting visual artwork into a format which utilizes public space, allows artists who may otherwise feel disenfranchised, to reach a much broader audience than traditional artwork and galleries normally allow.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Free Graffiti Fonts Download

Feel free to download any of our fonts by clicking on the name of the font you'd like. Support the growth of our Graffiti font library by adding new fonts ...
Sexy Graffiti on Girls
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Free Skin Hi5 - Graffiti Girls
How to Change Hi 5 Skins and How to Create Your Own
In this tutorial I will show you how to change your skins on Hi 5 and how you create your own. This tutorial is for beginners. If you are new to social networking or Hi 5 this tutorial will get you started with changing your profile skin. Go ahead and login to your Hi 5 account and we will get started.

Once you login to your account you will be carried to your home page. On your home page you will see the links at the top. Click the My Profile link. On this page you will see your profile. Under your default photo, you will see a list of links. Click the Skin My Profile link.
On this page you will see the different skins that are available. To preview a skin, click the Preview link below the skin. Once you have previewed it, click the Back button on your browser. If you want to use that skin, click the Use Skin link below the skin. To change your skin, click the Change My Skin link under your default photo on your profile page.
To make your own skin, follow these instructions. Go back to your profile page. Click the Change My Skin link under your default photo. On the skins page you will see a link at the top right corner that says Make a Profile Skin, click that link.
On this page is where you will create your new skin. Open your profile page in a new window so that you can keep looking at it to see what is what. The first step is to give your skin a name. So enter a name in the name field.
We will start with the Page Global section first. The first part of this section is the page background. You can use an image for the background or a color. To use an image, click the browse button and locate the image that you want to use. To use a background color, enter the hex code for the color that you want to use. Then select the position of the background. You can leave the other two fields as they are.
The next section is the Text Header. Select the font that you want for this header and then enter the hex code for the color. In the next section you will need to enter the hex code for the text color and link color.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Free Movie - Graffiti Movie Style Wars
Style Wars tells the story of the development of New York Graffiti Art during the early 1980's. It shows the development of the many graffiti letters styles, graffiti artists discussing over graffiti blackbooks and the surrounding cultural development like hip hop breakdance, etc.
The movie features artists like His famous book Dondi White , Seen and many more.
Henry Chalfant was the main person to documentate the development of the New York Graffiti Art movement during the 1970' and 1980's. Subway Art is recognised as the main source for Graffiti Train Art and Graffiti Letters Styles development.
I found this video on http://video.google.de
Click here to watch Graffiti Movie Style Wars
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Open Air - Street Art - Graffiti Documentary
Video form Youtube: Open Air, Street Art / Graffiti Documentary ESPO FAILE KNOX
Please comment and discuss about this VDO!
Tribute To Graffiti Artworks
Probably the most prominent graffiti artist is Banksy, a famous pseudo-anonymous British artist whose works focus on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics. His art has appeared in cities around the world; it’s worth mentioning that Banksy does not sell photos of street graffiti or mount exhibitions of screenprints in commercial galleries. You can explore Banksy’s works in the Time’s slideshow The World According To Banksy. However, many different artists explore graffiti in a variety of ways.
Works of Reverse Graffiti
Original Post : 35 Greatest Works of Reverse Graffiti
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Graffiti Creator Machine
It very nice tool.
Please comment about it :
Graffiti is often seen as having become intertwined with hip hop culture as one of the four main elements of the culture (along with rapping, DJing, and break dancing). However, there are many other instances of notable graffiti this century. Graffiti has long appeared on railroad boxcars.
The one with the longest history, dating back to the 1920s and continuing into the present day, is Bozo Texino. During World War II and for decades after, the phrase "Kilroy was here" with accompanying illustration was widespread throughout the world, due to its use by American troops and its filtering into American popular culture. In the sixties, its popularity was eclipsed by American graffiti proclaiming that "Yossarian lives!", a reference to the protagonist of Joseph Heller's novel, Catch-22.
The student protests and general strike of May 1968 saw Paris bedecked in revolutionary, anarchist, and situationist slogans such as L'ennui est contre-révolutionnaire ("Boredom is counterrevolutionary"). A famous graffito of the 20th century was the inscription in the London subway reading "Clapton is God". The phrase was spray-painted by an admirer on a wall in an Islington Underground station in the autumn of 1967.
The graffiti was captured in a now-famous photograph, in which a dog is urinating on the wall. A popular graffito of the 1970s was the legend "Dick Nixon Before He Dicks You," reflecting the hostility of the youth culture to that U.S. president.
Graffiti also became associated with the anti-establishment punk rock movement beginning in the 1970s. Bands such as Black Flag and Crass (and their followers) widely stenciled their names and logos, while many punk night clubs, squats and hangouts are famous for their graffiti.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
History of Graffiti : Art And Crime
The word GRAFFITI simply means--words or drawings scratched or scribbled on a wall. The word comes from the Greek term "graphein" (to write) and the word "grafitti" itself is plural of the Italian word "graffito."
Art in the form of graffiti (graffiti by style and considered so only if it appears on public or private property without permission) originated in the late 1960s, but graffiti in term of public and unsolicited markings has been around for ever. Some say it represents man's desire and need for communication, and the history of this type of communication dates back to one of the first communicative acts--drawing.
It was in the late 1960s when "Julio 204" began writing his "tag" all around the city of New York. Soon following Julio came a Greek youth from Manhattan named Demitrius who tagged his own "Taki183" all over the city as well. Taki also focused on writing on the subway in New York. Even though what Julio 204 and Taki 183 did in New York eventually developed into what was called by some "New York Style" graffiti, these New York writers only popularized it.
It is said that tagging first started in Philadelphia with the emergence of the legendary "Cornbread" and "Top Cat." Soon after the Philly development and the start of New York Graffiti, Top Cat's style started showing up in NYC and was called "Broadway Style" because of the long skinny lettering.
In 1971, the New York Times found and interviewed Taki 183 to try and explain this new phenomenon. Within a year of the article, "Taki 183 Spawns Pen Pals," hundreds of new writers emerged and took New York City by storm.
As tagging and graffiti started blowing up in the early 70s, people were caught off guard. One day there were the "natural colors" of the city and then came all the names out of nowhere.
Now there are some interesting points to be made about kids defacing property. You see it was much more complex than just "defacing," there are many ways writers "deface" things.
One type is the individual marks, slogans, slurs or political statements usually found on bathroom walls and stalls or on other exterior surfaces. Some refer to this as "latrinalia" or some just call it junk; this is the stuff that gives writers a bad name. There is also the individual "tag" which is a fancy way of writing ones name or nickname (nicknames often include the street number that a writer lived at, such as Taki 183, on 183rd Street in Washington Heights). A tag is usually decorated with a variety of stylish marks. Although they may have style, they still lack an aspect of quality art work--anyone can come up with and practice and put up a tag. But it is not really meant for artistic purposes--it basically indicates a writer's presence. The tag is one way that graffiti artists are similar to gang members, although gang graffiti doesn't usually evolve into anything very skillful, its purpose is to also, like for writers, indicate a presence (a gang presence) and also to mark around specific gang turf.
Although lots of writers would not want to be compared to gangsters, the two groups do have several things in common: "both seek recognition from their peers, use aliases, take part in illegal activities, see themselves as noble outlaws and are young and most often poor."
Even though graffiti has grown in style and artistic quality, even though graffiti crews can now be found everywhere from (my own) Louisville, Kentucky to mainland China, most people would still say that "New York City conceived graffiti and it will always be the capital and cultural centre of graffiti."
Also, when graffiti first started coming up, it was done predominantly by Puerto Rican and African American youths from poor inner-city neighborhoods. Now, graffiti has attracted people, male and female, of all races, religions and nationalities from the broadest types of backgrounds from all socio-economic classes, and you can regularly find writers ranging in age from 8 to their 30s.
What is Graffiti ?
Nice Graffiti Video :