
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Urban Graffiti Art presents street art

How do you sell graffiti? If it's the usual variety found on surfaces in cities the world over, then, short of equipping buyers with a pneumatic drill and a very large bag to take it home in, you can't. But as the success of street artists such as Banksy proves, these days it's possible to couple a career in clandestine urban decoration with more commercial activity.

Showing for one weekend only, The Gascoigne Gallery's selling exhibition, Urban Graffiti Art, features screen prints by ten diverse graffiti artists. From Parisian pioneer Blek Le Rat, whose stencilled designs have been cropping up since the 1980s, to Swoon, who pastes life-sized and delicately detailed portraits of people she knows on to New York walls, the show presents each artist's distinctive style in a format suitable for enjoying at home. This fact is apparently not lost on London artist D*Face, whose Green Lady gives an icon of kitsch 1970s living rooms a ghoulish twist.

'If people are expecting to see 1980s-style tagging, that's not what's in this show,' says Daniel Syrett, a local artist and graphic designer whose work is also featured. 'It's very grown-up and very beautiful.'

To promote the exhibition, Syrett left copies of his print Weapons Of Mass Decoration in locations around Harrogate and Leeds. It seems a generous gesture at a time when similar artists are seen as hot investments. 'Some of the work goes for phenomenal prices. Blek Le Rat's last print that was released in London sold and was changing hands for double the money at the same show,' he says.

Although some might accuse the artists of betraying their underground roots, Syrett doesn't see a conflict between the two channels of expression. 'If people who've started out on the streets can move into the galleries and make a living from it, then that's fantastic,' he argues. 'There are plenty of people who claim to be artists and host exhibitions who are, quite frankly, talentless.'

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